Flanner House to Observe Day
From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, December 16: The seventeenth anniversary of the Flanner House Social Settlement will be observed this afternoon in a special Founders’ Day program. Attorney Robert L. Brokenburr, a former superintendent of the settlement, will give a history of the institution which was established by prominent white and black citizens to provide social services to the African American population of Indianapolis. Located near Indiana Avenue at 847 Colton Street, Flanner House has an employment bureau, day nursery, baby clinic, a branch library, recreation rooms, and a playground. Classes in sewing and cooking are offered, as well as free baths and counseling. Anna R. Atwater, president of the Christian Woman’s Board of Missions, under whose auspices the work of Flanner House is conducted, will be among the speakers. Musical selections will be given by the Drama-Lyric Quartet.
“Flanner House to Observe Day,” The Indianapolis Star, 16 December 1917, Part 6, p. 12:2