Smallpox is Menace to the City's Welfare
From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, January 31: Indianapolis likely will have 500 new cases of smallpox next month if the power of compulsory vaccination is not given to the board of public health by the city council within the next few days, according to Dr. Henry Morgan, board of health secretary. “The 280 cases of this pestilence last month is more smallpox than should have occurred in fifty years, and is conclusive evidence that some citizens are either unwilling or dilatory in accepting vaccination that science has definitely proven to be preventive for smallpox. The opposition to vaccination comes from those who claim that the vaccine is poison and has serious after effects,” said Dr. Morgan. School children and many factory workers in the city have been vaccinated. Citizens who have recently came to Indianapolis are the ones being infected.
“Smallpox is Menace to the City’s Welfare,” The Indianapolis News, 31 January 1918, p. 18:4