Lot Forgotten in Greenlawn
From The Indianapolis Star, Friday, March 8: While discussing plans to develop the remaining eight acres of Greenlawn Cemetery into a park, members of the board of park commissioners learned yesterday that some Confederate graves had been forgotten. An 1894 ordinance instructed the board of public works and the board of health to remove the bodies from the plot. Commissioner Charles Coffin deplored the forgetfulness that had obscured the burial place of the Confederates here, and told how women in Vicksburg, Mississippi organized each year to decorate graves of the Federal dead there. “I believe as patriotic American citizens we should do as much for the Southern soldiers whose last resting place is in Indianapolis,” said Coffin. Board attorney Walter Myers said he would bring the matter to the attention of several Indianapolis women from the South whom he knew.
“Lot Forgotten in Greenlawn,” The Indianapolis Star, 8 March 1918, p. 15:5