$400,000 Medic School on Way
From The Indianapolis Star, Monday, March 18: Bids will be taken next month in the office of architects R. F. Daggett & Co, 956 Lemcke Annex, 115 N. Pennsylvania, by the board of trustees of Indiana University for the construction of a building for the Indiana School of Medicine on a site east of Robert W. Long Hospital. The $400,000 (2017: $6,636,835) facility will replace the present medical school building west of the State House, which has long been recognized as inadequate, and will represent the last word in medical school design. The new four or five story building will be of pressed brick and stone trimmed. While the appropriation approved by the last state legislature for a new medical school was vetoed by the governor, university trustees have found other sources to fund its construction.
“$400,000 Medic School on Way,” The Indianapolis Star, 18 March 1918, p. 1:7