Marion Roads to Be Marked
From The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, August 7: The Marion County commissioners will mark all main roads in the county this fall with signs, at intervals, to designate the distance and direction to Indianapolis. Safety rails will be placed on dangerous embankments, and signage will be placed to designate the Marion County lines from the adjacent counties. The Hoosier Motor Club has placed signs on many of the roads leading into the city, and the commissioners will mark those that haven’t been labeled. It is to be hoped that the erection of safety rails on dangerous embankments will reduce accidents and the number of vehicle roll overs. Marking the county line will help tourists when they cross from one county to another. Also, it will help motorists to know which county is responsible for poor road conditions.
“Marion Roads to Be Marked,” The Indianapolis Star, 7 August 1918, p. 14:3