Movie Censors Working
From The Indianapolis News, Monday, February 10, 1919: Following the announcement by Mayor Jewett last month that he will allow motion picture theaters to operate on Sundays provided they do not open until 1:30 p.m. and that no other amusement is offered but the pictures and musical programs, Miss Clara Burnside, supervisor of police women, reported yesterday the formation of a committee of seven women who will censor Sunday moving pictures shown in Indianapolis. The committee formed after consultation with Mrs. David [Gertrude] Ross, president of the Board of Endorsers of Motion Pictures for Juveniles, will not criticize photoplays in general, but devote its attention to those considered of an objectionable nature. Plans call for committee members, accompanied by several policewomen, to visit theaters on Sundays and report their findings to Miss Burnside who will oversee the censorship work.
“Movie Censors Working” The Indianapolis News, 10 February 1919, p. 13:5
“Women to Censor Movies,” The Indianapolis Star, 11 February 1919, p. 11:3