Local Shops to Train Wounded
From The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, April 22, 1919: Indianapolis manufacturers said they were willing to take more than their quota of wounded veterans for shop training following a talk on retraining disabled soldiers presented yesterday by Dr. A. C. Prosser, director of the Federal board for vocational education, at a noon meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. Prosser said of the 20,000 men who need retraining, more than half will be able to return to their old jobs after retraining. Only about 3,000 men have been in any way dismembered and less than 100 have been blinded. The largest group of veterans in need of retraining will be those with arrested cases of tuberculosis. It is expected that upwards of ninety men will be sent to this city for retraining. The Chamber is willing to provide housing for the men.
“Local Shops to Train Wounded,” The Indianapolis Star, 22 April 1919, p. 8:3