74 High School Cadets to Go to Camp Custer
From The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, June 11, 1919: Seventy-four junior reserve training corps cadets of the Indianapolis high schools were named in orders issued by Maj. Arthur Perry, professor of military science and tactics in the Indianapolis high schools, to attend five weeks of summer training at Camp Custer, MI. The boys were selected upon recommendations of the officers in charge of the units at the three high schools - Shortridge, Manual, and Arsenal Technical. The cadets will assemble at Shortridge High School’s Caleb Mills Hall on Friday afternoon for final instructions and to receive a list of items that they will need to take with them before leaving Saturday morning in a special car over the Lake Erie & Western Railroad. The War Department designed the training program and will cover the expense of the cadets’ transportation and training.
“74 High School Cadets to Go to Camp Custer,” The Indianapolis News, 11 June 1919, p. 18:1
“Local Cadets to Enter Camp,” The Indianapolis Star, 12 June 1919, p. 11:4