Vacation Privileges Offered at Library
From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, June 26, 1919: Special vacation reading privileges are being offered by the Central Library in lending books to children this summer. As many as six books may be taken on one card, providing for every book of fiction there must be a book of nonfiction. This is to encourage children in the reading of other than “just stories.” Books must be kept at least two weeks, and all returned at the same time. Books on the special vacation reading lists for children suggest books that not only bring pleasure, but count for good literature, include Men of Iron, stories of chivalry; Over the Top, European War reading;Boys of ’76, Revolutionary War reading; Boys of ’61, Civil War reading; Foreign Children; Fairy Tales and Fables for Little Folk; Rainy Day Friends for Little Folk.
“Vacation Privileges Offered at Library,” The Indianapolis News, 26 June 1919, p. 29:4