Liberty Kitchen to Close
From The Indianapolis Star, Friday, June 27, 1919: The Liberty Kitchen, 106 N. Delaware, will close Monday concluding another chapter in Indiana’s war history. The Marion County Council of Defense established the Liberty Kitchen almost a year ago to provide free information on canning, poultry, child nutrition, garden topics, and other problems of home economics and demonstrations on the best methods for preparing foods. Miss Florence Boston, who has charge of the office, has been widely commended for her work. She began home demonstration work in 1917 in schools, churches, and other places where women gathered and for several months had a demonstration kitchen in connection with the food exchange on North Pennsylvania St before the Liberty Kitchen opened. A daily column in the Star, “Liberty Kitchen News,” by Agnes McCulloch Hanna provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus.
“Liberty Kitchen to Close,” The Indianapolis Star, 27 June 1919, p. 1:2