People Flock to Food Sale
From The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, August 19, 1919: Consumers began to form-up an hour before army surplus commodities went on sale at the Federal building yesterday morning, and when clerks started taking orders at 8 o’clock the waiting crowd of 150 persons extended from the tables set-up to take orders through the long corridor. As more people arrived, additional clerks were called upon to handle the increasing number of citizens. All classes were in the line - men from downtown offices and stores, laborers, housewives, colored men and women - all taking advantage of the opportunity to save on foodstuffs. Canned peas led the sales for the day, followed by cans of sweet corn, baked beans and stringless beans. Canned cherries also sold well. One-hundred-pound bags of dry beans were popular, and bacon was the most popular meat being offered.
“People Flock to Food Sale,” The Indianapolis Star, 19 August 1919, p. 1:5