Bicycle Run Has Good Entry in Sunday Event
From The Indianapolis Star, Friday, October 24, 1919: Hundreds of bicycle riders have registered with the thirty-six dealers for the first bike run in Indianapolis in recent years. The free event will start at University Park on Sunday at 3 p.m. and riders will follow a route to a point five miles out in Riverside Park where souvenirs, provided by Hendee Manufacturing Co, Corbin Brake Co and Continental Rubber Co, will be distributed to all participants. Internationally famous cyclist Fred St. Onge will act as marshal and captain and will show some simple tricks on the wheel and demonstrate the right and wrong way to ride. He wants all wheelmen to maintain a safe and sane pace throughout the run; this is not a race. A movie man will shoot the run, in addition to a battery of still cameras.
“Bicycle Run Has Good Entry List in Sunday Event,” The Indianapolis Star, 24 October 1919, p. 16:5