Alumni Will Aid in Selecting Butler Site
From The Indianapolis News, Monday, December 22, 1919: Butler College will be enlarged and placed on a university status by September 1923. Alumni have joined committees appointed by the college trustees to select a new location for the Irvington school. Possible sites include the vacant Hibben land along East Washington St between Emerson Av and Hawthorne Lane and Ellenberger Park. Another proposal is to acquire land from Washington St south to the Pennsylvania Railroad and from the old Streight Estate east to Pleasant Run. Other sites under consideration include a tract east of Irvington between Washington and Tenth Streets, the exteme north districts of Indianapolis around Mapleton, Meridian Heights or Broad Ripple, and University Heights on the far south side of the city. Plans are proceeding on a building fund campaign to raise several million dollars toward the new university.
“Alumni Will Aid in Selecting Butler Site,” The Indianapolis News, 22 December 1919, p. 31:6