Americanism Will Be New School Subject
From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, February 5, 1920: Courses in Americanism will begin on Lincoln’s birthday in the Indianapolis public schools and many other schools in the state based on an outline suggested by the Americanism committee of the Indiana Department of the American Legion. The first pamphlet in the Americanism series for teachers is the history of “No Taxation Without Representation.” Other pamphlets on fundamentals of American liberty will be the right of trial by jury, habeas corpus, the right of public assembly, free speech, free press, and the right of protest. Basic historical documents listed as fundamentals of American liberty are: The Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Robert Moorehead, Americanism committee chair, said plans are being made to spread the doctrine of Americanism in churches and community centers through district Americanism committees.
“Americanism Will Be New School Subject,” The Indianapolis News, 5 February 1920, p. 29:1
