Bastille Day to Be Legion Post Feature
From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, July 14, 1921: A French fete honoring Bastille Day will be given at Ellenberger Park by Irvington Post No. 38, American Legion, beginning this evening and continuing through Saturday. “Every event of this fete has been arranged as to recall memories of the expeditionary force days. Members of the Irvington Post, who will act as host, will wear their uniforms and all former servicemen are invited to come in uniform. The public is invited,” said Harry Cross, arrangements committee chair. The program opens with a concert by the American Legion Band and an address by superior court judge Arthur Robinson. Fete events feature a circus, an auction, a summary court-martial demonstration, and an exhibit of war relics. Indianapolis French societies participating in the fete are Union Fratérnelle Francaise, the Cercle Francaise, and the Alliance Francaise.

“Bastille Day to Be Legion Post Feature,” The Indianapolis News, 14 July 1921, p. 1:4