Camp Chank-Tun-Un-Gi Sounds Call to Scouts
From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, June 15, 1924: Few places in all Hoosierdom offer the joys awaiting the Boy Scouts of Indianapolis in old Camp Chank-Tun-Un-Gi (Camp Belzer). Wedged between Ft. Harrison and Buzzards Roost (Woollens Gardens), amid beautiful shadows of trees along the south bank of Fall Creek, Camp Chank-Tun-Un-Gi’s call has been heard by Indianapolis Scouts and more than 125 of them are expected to show up when the first two-week camp of summer opens tomorrow morning. From 6:25 a.m. reveille to 9:30 p.m. taps, the Scouts’ day will be filled with Scoutcraft classes, games, and swimming, concluding each evening with the campfire which opens in a dignified manner and closes with the Scout prayer. Daily swimming instruction will be a feature of each camp thereby fulfilling this year’s camp slogan, “Every Scout a swimmer and life saver.”
“Camp Chank-Tun-Un-Gi Sounds Call to Scouts,” The Indianapolis Star, 15 June 1924, p. 14:4