Carolers Face Biting Winds to Close Christmas Season
From The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, December 25, 1924: Hundreds of carolers traveled throughout Indianapolis – from home to home, hospital to hospital, and club to club – last night raising their voices in singing Christmas songs and spreading the yuletide spirit by this age-old custom. Caroling began at 7 p.m. as a massed chorus, braving a cold wind, sang from the steps of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument before boarding a bus to travel about the city stopping at homes where candles had been placed in the windows indicating that someone within was ill. Among groups taking part in the municipal caroling program were the Indianapolis Gospel Chorus, which sang at the jail, the Phyllis Wheatley Y.W.C.A., which sang at the City Hospital, and the recreational training class, which sang at Union Station. Twenty-two automobiles with carolers circulated through the outlying suburbs.
“Carolers Face Biting Winds to Close Christmas Season,” The Indianapolis Star, 25 December 1924, p. 1:2