City Goes Into Plaza Deal Alone
From The Indianapolis Times, Wednesday, November 23, 1921: After word was received that two of the three Marion County commissioners would not change their position and authorize a bond issue, in cooperation with the city, for acquiring land for the site of the Indiana war memorial plaza, the Indianapolis board of public works voted this afternoon to proceed independently of the county. Proceeds of a bond issue authorized by the city council will be used to acquire the block south of the Indiana School for the Blind bounded by Meridian, Pennsylvania, North, and Michigan Streets. This block, with the state’s land donation of the Blind School, including St. Clair Park, and University Park, will be dedicated for the proposed plaza. A meeting protesting the county commissioners’ refusal to authorize a bond issue will be held Friday evening at Tomlinson Hall.
“City Goes Into Plaza Deal Alone,” The Indianapolis Times, 23 November 1921, p. 1:1