Ex-Grand Dragon Buys Home Here
From The Indianapolis Star, Friday, November 9, 1923: D. C. Stephenson, known as “Steve” or the “Old Man,” who recently resigned as Ku Klux Klan grand dragon for Indiana and Ohio due to ill health brought on by overwork on behalf of the Klan, has purchased a home in Irvington located on University Av near Downey Av. The house is currently being remodeled and he will move into it sometime this winter. It has also become known that Stephenson had leased office space downtown in the Kresge Building where he plans on entering the coal business. Before devoting his time to the Ku Klux Klan, Stephenson was in the coal business in Evansville, Indiana. It is understood that the former grand dragon will use Indianapolis as a headquarters for a system of coal distribution from mines direct to the consumer.

"Ex-Grand Dragon Buys Home Here,” The Indianapolis Star, 9 November 1923, p. 12:3