Foch Given Real Hoosier Welcome
From The Indianapolis Times, Friday, November 4, 1921: A great parade with long lines of marching men, regular soldiers, national guardsmen, veterans, war nurses and women war workers honored Marshal Ferdinand Foch, commander-in-chief of the allied armies during the final year of the Great War, this afternoon. The French Marshal, escorted by the Black Horse Troop of Culver Military Academy, made his way along the line of march, to storms of applause from an enormous, happy, and enthusiastic crowd, until taking his place on the reviewing stand. The Red, White, and Blue and the Tri-Color of France flew in profusion from flag poles, windows, roof tops, and lamp posts as old war-time tunes crashed forth from marching bands on the streets below. Following the parade, Marshal Foch went to University Park to dedicate the ground for the Indiana War Memorial.

“Foch Given Real Hoosier Welcome,” The Indianapolis Times, 4 November 1921, p. 1:1