Freshmen at Butler Swamp Office Forces
From The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, September 19, 1923: The largest freshmen class ever to register at Butler College swamped the registrar’s office today. By 8 a.m. a long line of young men and women had formed at the door of the administration building, and as the morning progressed the line extended many hundreds of feet across the campus to the street. To alleviate the crush of prospective students, college authorities divided them into groups and distributed cards telling them to report again at specific hours. With 425 freshmen registrations today and about 550 upper classmen registered yesterday, including 100 seniors, it is expected that about 200 additional registrations are yet to come in including another 50 members of the class of 1924 who will be returning this fall. When registration closes, estimated enrollment will be1,200 compared with 1,002 last year.

“Freshmen at Butler Swamp Office Forces,” The Indianapolis News, 19 September 1923, p. 10:8