New Movie House for North Side
From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, July 20, 1924: Amzi C. Zaring, proprietor of the North Star Theater and the Garrick Theater, announced plans for the construction of one of largest neighborhood motion picture houses in the city. The new theater, to be built on the northeast corner of Central Av and Fall Creek Blvd, will be two stories high, of hollow tile construction, and Grecian style architecture. The theater lobby, placed between two business rooms, will face Central Av. The theater proper, with a seating capacity of 1,400 patrons, will be behind the business rooms. A thirty-two-foot stage, larger than an ordinary motion picture house stage, will be a feature of the theater. Architect Frank B. Hunter is preparing the plans for the new Central Av house. Zaring has been in the motion picture business in Indianapolis for fifteen years.

“New Movie House for North Side,” The Indianapolis Star, 20 July 1924, p. 1:2