Shortridge Students to Start an Overall Club
From The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, April 21, 1920: Protesting the increased price of clothing, boys at Shortridge High School have joined the national overall movement pledging to wear blue denim. The Girl’s Discussion Group at the high school will decide today as to the relative merits of silk and cotton, and the Shortridge Echo, the school paper, called for an increase in the wearing of denim. Shortridge principal George Buck said he would not approve students forming an overall club as a fad, for he believes such a move would merely tend to increase the price of work clothing men must wear every day, but he is in sympathy with the old clothes and overalls movement if it is carried out in a proper spirit of protest against increasing prices. It is expected that many students will don blue duds.
“Shortridge Students to Start an Overall Club,” The Indianapolis Star, 21 April 1920, p. 1:2
“Shortridge May Come In,” The Indianapolis News, 21 April 1920, p. 4:3
