Step to Acquire Property Taken
From The Indianapolis Times, Friday, March 4, 1921: Yesterday, the board of park commissioners took the first legal step in the program of acquiring property adjoining public school grounds for the establishment of playgrounds when it adopted a resolution condemning a plot 200 by 300 feet lying east of School No. 22, Kansas and Illinois Streets. The joint program by the park board and the school board contemplates the purchase of ground near eleven school buildings for public and school playgrounds. There are ten houses situated on the proposed playground site near School No. 22, and a public hearing will be held on the condemnation resolution. The board also heard a request from the Brightwood Civic Association that a tract on the east side of Stuart St between Roosevelt Av and 25th St be purchased for a park or playground.

“Step to Acquire Property Taken,” The Indianapolis Times, 4 March 1921, Part Two, p. 7:2