The Election - The Klan - The Future
From The Indianapolis Times, Friday, November 7, 1924: Republican Ed Jackson, Ku Klux Klan candidate for governor, has been elected and although he ran 100,000 votes behind President Coolidge in Indiana, the Klan is welcome to claim as much credit as it wishes. With the next Indiana legislature overwhelmingly Republican, there will be little trouble in putting through regular G.O.P. measures at the next session. Where friction may arise, however, is that the House is overwhelmingly Ku Klux Klan and the Klan strength in the Senate is unknown. Leaders point out that Klan policies will be introduced as set out in a recent proclamation by Walter Bossert, grand dragon. Among those measures are compulsory teaching of the Bible in public schools, abolition of private and sectarian schools, segregation of negroes, and stringent Blue laws applying to Sunday theaters and baseball.
“Easy Path Seen for Republicans in Legislature,” The Indianapolis Times, 7 November 1924, p. 2:4
"The Election – The Klan – The Future,” The Indianapolis Times, 5 November 1924, p. p. 1:4