Woman's Bank Unique in U.S.
From The Indianapolis Times, Thursday, October 21, 1920: With the opening this week of the woman’s bank department of the Fletcher American National Bank, Indianapolis joins with Boston as the only cities in the country with such a department. Located in the northeast corner of the Market Street bank building, the Italian marble and the bronze gold plated metal work decoration is decidedly different from anything heretofore attempted in Indianapolis. Four teller windows can serve 200 people an hour and a vault specifically for the woman’s department has been installed. A private elevator runs to the second floor where a checkroom, a restroom, and toilet have been installed, along with a committee room that can be used by women’s organizations. Frank F. Wocher is manager of the Woman’s Bank Department and Miss Florence Coffin, of marked ability, is assistant manager.

“Woman’s Bank Unique in U.S.,” The Indianapolis Times, 21 October 1920, p. 6:5