Women's Police Department Ranks First in Country
From The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, March 23, 1921: Miss Clara Burnside, supervisor of the women’s police bureau, has been promoted to the rank of captain of police by the board of public safety. This action places the Indianapolis department at the head of similar organizations in the United States. Only in Washington, DC and Seattle, WA are the woman’s departments under the supervision of a woman. The success of the department is largely due to Miss Burnside’s work. There are now twenty-three members of the department, all of whom have had some training in social work. The women supervise the conduct of those attending public dance halls and many private dances given in halls. They also have been very successful in detecting shoplifters in downtown stores and settling domestic troubles. Arrests are the last steps taken by the women police.

“Women’s Police Department Ranks First in Country,” The Indianapolis Star, 23 March 1921, p. 10:5