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news stories & adverts from one hundred years ago

Compiled by Steve Barnett
Ads & Illustrations clipped by Carl Bates

From The Indianapolis Times, Tuesday, March 24, 1925:  Leading business and professional men have joined in the movement with the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce convention bureau to “tell the world” about the merits of the city in order to bring more conventions here.  The movement was a result of Dick Miller, bureau chair, pointing out at last week’s annual dinner the need for growth, and preliminary plans were laid before committees at yesterday’s luncheon.  Nicholas H. Noyes, vice president of the Chamber, said, “Response from all civic groups, luncheon clubs, and other organizations invited to share in this ‘Greater Indianapolis Movement’ has lent assurance that all Indianapolis is supporting the Chamber in the effort to substantially increase industry and business of the community.”  The Chamber and the Indianapolis Real Estate Board have plans to restimulate Indianapolis as an industrial center.


“Work to Boost Indianapolis is Begun by C. of C.,” The Indianapolis Times, 24 March 1925, p. 2:1

From The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, March 18, 1925:  Orange, green, and white, colors of the new Irish republic, predominated yesterday’s parade as practically every Indianapolis person of Irish heritage celebrated the glory of St. Patrick under the auspices of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.  Thousands of persons lined downtown streets, viewing the parade and shouting riotous greetings to friends in the ranks of the A. O. H., the Knights of Columbus, the Knights of St. George, the Catholic Order of Foresters, the A. O. H. Ladies Auxiliary, the Daughters of Isabella, and the Juvenile Hibernians.  Scores of automobiles in a line decked with floating green, orange, and white balloons, gold harps, shamrocks, and fluttering green ribbons followed two Kingan trucks carrying a sparkling cargo of pretty colleens wearing green hats and waving Irish republican flags and the Stars and Stripes.    

“Local Irishmen Pay Honor to Memory of St. Patrick,” The Indianapolis Star, 18 March 1925, p. 8:4

From The Indianapolis Times, Friday, February 27, 1925:  Because of promises by Republican political boss D. C. Stephenson, Indiana Democratic state senators are back in their seats after bolting to Dayton, Ohio over a gerrymander bill that would have made the second Congressional District safely Republican.  Their action denied a senate quorum and left hanging pet measures backed by the Ku Klux Klan.  If the Democratic senators remained on strike and the legislative session adjourned sine die on Monday, March 9, and a special session had to be called to pass the appropriation bill, the Klan leadership saw little chance of getting its legislative program through.  Stephenson promised the Democrats immunity from arrest for bolting and killing of the gerrymander bill, which Lieutenant Governor Van Orman in a signed telegram confirmed he would “do everything in his power” to defeat.    


“D.C. Stephenson Behind Move Which Brought 15 Absent Senators Back,” The Indianapolis Times, 27 February 1925, p. 1:7

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